Why cheek enhancement?

Asymmetry, cheek definition or getting back that lost volume in the cheeks are all good reasons for cheek enhancement.  Results are immediate.  It can last anywhere from 12 months to years.

Does it hurt?

A needle is preferred to obtain the most accurate results. Small needle injection points are done on each cheek.  The product has an anaesthetic in it.

How do I prepare for it?

Preferably you don’t drink wine the night before, however, the risk of bruising is quite minimal with these procedures. Imaging is done with an ultrasound scanner to avoid any dangerous arteries before your treatment.

When will I recover?

Downtime is usually minimal, occasionally you may bruise. You can usually go back to normal activities within a few hours. It’s best not to lie down, rub the areas or have a massage within 4 hrs of the procedure.

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