Why lip enhancement?

Depending on your age, lip enhancement can help improve the volume and the shape of your lips. Your lips will be tailored to your taste and to your face. Everyone is unique and the results are always aimed at a natural beautiful look. Results are immediate. It usually lasts 6-12 months, with the products used.

Does it hurt?

Numbing cream and sometimes an anaesthetic nerve block is used to make the procedure as comfortable as possible. Small needle injections are performed to reshape and make your dream plump, attractive natural lips.  The product injected also has local anaesthetic in it.

How do I prepare for it?

Don’t drink wine, have fish oils, blood thinners like Aspirin and Naprogesic the night before. Taking arnica pellets as instructed 7 days before can reduce bruising.

When will I recover?

Some bruise and swell after the procedure, up to 1-2 weeks after the procedure. We usually suggest to avoid a major event or outing within 2-3 days of the injections. You can go back to completely normal activities the next day.

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